Electrical Engineering
To develop technical skilled Diploma Electrical Engineer to serve the society.
M1: To equip the students to serve the society and nation with quality skills, values, ethics entrepreneurial attitude and safe practices.M2: To equip the students to work at supervisory level in industry.
M3: To motivate the students for higher education and for entrepreneurship.
About Department:
Department of Electrical Engineering was established in the year 1983, approved by AICTE New Delhi and affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai. In 2005, Department of Electrical Engineering was accredited by NBA, AICTE, New Delhi for 3 years. Considering the future requirement of Electrical Engineer’s second shift was started with intake capacity of additional 60 seats in 2009.The Department is equipped with the state of art of equipment’s and Laboratories with excellent computational facilities including Microsoft Office,Libre CAD,Open Office, etc. Conductive environment exists in the department for both staff and students. Quality technical education is imparted to the students in the field of Electrical Engineering. The Electrical Engineering Department is headed by Prof.S.B.Pawar with his graceful experience of 23 years in teaching. The Department has qualified and devoted team of teaching members. The various faculties of the department have presented/ published papers in National/International conferences and journals. The students also show their enthusiasm by presenting technical papers and participating in various National level events and have won the prizes in the same. Various expert lectures/workshop, technical tours/industrial visits are organized for all round development of the students in various areas of Electrical Engineering and allied fields regularly.
Recently one of Project group from Electrical engineering department got 1st Prize in MSBTE Project competition worth Rs.1,00,000. Many companies come to conduct campus placement for the students. Many staff members of Electrical Engineering Department are pursuing Higher Education in Specialization M.E.(Electrical Power Systems) . Department of Electrical Engineering offers Diploma course in Electrical Engineering of duration 3 years after SSC and 2 year after HSC/ITI/MCVC as per Government rule and regulation.
Department of Electrical Engineering also involved in various activities of MSBTE and also got Excellent remark in academic monitoring of MSBTE.By considering Tremendous demand and requirement of Diploma Electrical Engineers in various Industries Second Shift with intake facility of 60 has been started from 2009.In 2009 CRP (Curriculum Revision Project) for Electrical Engineering was held in our Institute.